Notice for the selection of the statutory auditor

Company Rolling Mill of Non-Ferrous Metals "ŁABĘDY" Joint Stock Company with its registered office in Gliwice at Metalowców Street 6, 44-
109 Gliwiceassembles authorized entities to submit written tenders for the conduct of:

  1. Examination of the annual accounts drawn up by International Financial Reporting Standards (
  2. Issue of the audit report of the above-called reports for each annual period, within a period consistent with the schedule adopte
    d by the Company.
  3. Examination of consolidation packages for the 12-month period in accordance with international auditing standards
    and audit instructions received from the auditor of the consolidated report of the KGHM Polska MiedźS.A. Capital G
    • for the annual periods ending on 31 December 2019, 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2021 respectively.